Saturday, November 24, 2012

Response Critical Theory 2

I read a part of Alice in Wonderland novel “A Mad Tea Party”, in that story Alice as main character dreamed that she met with some friends. I want to discuss about why in Children Literature animal character always in there? What does the animal is representative of something that hidden in that story? What Alice’s dreams are also representative something or not? She likes imagined something and it would happen in her dreams. How a dream could influence psychology of the children in reality? In five Children and it, granting wishes is a theme in it. I also want to discuss, is there any relation of granting wishes in “Five Children and It” with Alice’s dreams in “Alice in Wonderland”?
In "Five Children and It" by implicit, its ideology is capitalism, It seen from the first chapter that the five children who had been living in London felt "not free", and when they moved to a village, they liked finding a freedom. This case ever discussed in the "Children's Literature's classroom" that the differences of people living in the town and country are the crime rate in the city is higher than in the village, a high sense of individuality, severe competition "who have a lot of money, he would survived or has a powerful ". From all that difference, showed its ideology is capitalism. Whether in children's literature especially in “A Mad Tea party” there is an inherent ideology? Whether that ideology can influence the habits of children? 

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